Vancouver Participatory Economics Collective

Welcome to the homepage of the Vancouver Parecon Collective! Our purpose is to advocate, research and implement parecon institutions, values and procedures in Vancouver, the surrounding lower mainland and elswhere throught Canada. We do this through workshops, information sharing and activism. We are committed to supporting struggles against classism, racism, sexism, war, corporate greed, environmental destruction, and all other institutional horrors we face today.

"A great many activists and concerned people ask, quite rightly, what alternative form of social organization can be imagined that might overcome the grave flaws -- often real crimes -- of contemporary society in more far-reaching ways than short-term reform. Parecon is the most serious effort I know to provide a very detailed possible answer to some of these questions, crucial ones, based on serious thought and careful analysis."
-- Noam Chomsky

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Related Links:

Vancouver Anti-Poverty Committee
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Vancouver Indy Media
Vancouver Cooperative Radio
Vancouver Stop War Coalition
Black Star Boot Cooperative

This page features photos of collective members, and others, at the Vancouver East Side Commercial Drive Festival, Sunday June 18th, 2006. Along with The Co-Operative Way we hosted events related to the spreading of a Participatory Economy. We dispensed lemonade at the "ParEcon Lemonade Stand" and gave away hundreds of balloons with Parecon slogans on them. The festival attracted well over 26,000 people and closed down Vancouver's Commercial Drive stopping all motorized traffic from 1st Ave to Venables St. for most of the day.

Here are just some of the balloon slogans:

- Economic Justice not Tyranny!
- Classlessness not Class Rule!
- Equity... Self-management... Solidarity... Diversity... ParEcon!
- Solidarity not Greed
- Diversity not Boredom
- Equity not Slavery
- Self-management is fun!
- Abolish markets for democratic planning!
- Balanced Jobs not Boredom
- Balanced Job Complexes
- Capitalism Kills
- Be realistic, demand the Impossible!
- Solidarity makes me happy!
- All Power to the Imagination, ParEcon Today!


Marla, Dave and Bryan.


A busy moment.


The north end of Commercial Drive, well over 26,000 attended the festival.


Balanced Job Complexes


Dave outlining Parecon.


World Cup fans in the festival. Are they celebrating Brazil's 2-0 victory or democratic economics? We drank lemonade and talked parecon together, oh yeah... Next year we'll be introducing "ParEcon World Cup".


Marla and Chris servin up the 411 with lemonade. Good times...


Capitalism kills and she is not happy about it (neither is Tigger).


Bryan and Chris exercise their creative side...


Dave and Chris setting up.